Wednesday 13 November 2013

Cat Cake!

For my 100th post I wanted to do something different. Was getting bored making cakes for humans heh... So I wanted to try something different. This time I wanted to make a cake for my beloved kitty! :) Yes its a cake for kitty cats! I went online to look up for more info on cake food and cake treats and decided to try this one on Keiko (my kitty). I have tried making treats for him in the past before but he refused to eat :( so heart broken... So I kinda stopped trying making kitty treats for awhile... This is a tuna flavored kitty cake, stuffed with only his favorite food in it. But its mainly tuna coz he loves it!

I was soooo thrilled when he started eating! He finished every single bit of it! :) My first success! Love my baby boy!

Some pictures of Keiko :) sooo cute!

Here, he is thinking he was small enough to fit into the box hahahaha! and he exploded out the other side like a jack-o-lantern hahaha! 

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